4/20 - Test
Part 1
- Define 1 argument constructor for title
- Define toString method for title, and a tester method
- Generate unique id for class
- Create a public getter that has Book Count
- Define tester method that initializes at least 2 books, outputs title, and provides a count of books in library
Part 2
- Ensure Novel and Textbook run the Constructor from Book.
- Create instance variables unique to Novel has Author, Textbook has publishing company. These are not required in Constructor. Make sure there are getters and setters.
- Define a default method in Book that returns selfLife from date/time of constructor. Define shelfLife methods as needed in Textbook and Novel. A TextBook has a fixed shelf life based on the date/time of constructor. A Novel has a computed shelf life and is valided by averageing a certain number of Checkouts average over shelf life, use sensible data structure.
- Make a method to count time book is checkout
- Make a method to determine if book should come off of the shelf
- Define tester method to test items #1-5.
import java.util.Random;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.time.Duration;
* Book.java
* @author Natalie Beckwith
* @version 1
* Main class for Book.java
public class Book
public String _title; // title of book
public static int _bookCount = 0; // book count
LocalTime _checkOutTime;
LocalTime _checkInTime;
* Constructor for class
* PART 1
* @param title of book
public Book(String title)
_title = title;
* outputs title of book
* PART 2
public String toString()
String desctription = _title;
return desctription;
* getBook
* @return
public int getBook()
return _bookCount;
* getId
* PART 3
* @return random book key from the max number of the Integer class
* that is represented in 32 bits
public int getId()
Random random = new Random();
return random.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
* checkOutBook
public void checkOutBook()
_checkOutTime = LocalTime.now();
* checkInBook
public void checkInBook()
_checkInTime = LocalTime.now();
* getCheckOutTime
* @return
public long getCheckOutTime()
Duration d = Duration.between(_checkOutTime, _checkInTime);
return d.getNano();
* isShelflifeOver
* @return
public boolean isShelflifeOver()
return false;
// to be implemented in 2 subclasses
import java.time.Duration;
* Novel.java
* Description
* @author Natalie Beckwith
* @version 1
* Main class for Novel.java
public class Novel extends Book
public String _author;
public long _checkOutAvgNano; // averge time in nanoseconds
public int _numCheckouts = 0;
public long _checkOutTimeSum = 0;
public long _shelfLifeNano;
public Novel(String title, long shelfLifeNano)
_shelfLifeNano = shelfLifeNano;
* getAuthor
* @param author
* @return
public String getAuthor(String author)
return author;
* setAuthor
* @param author
public void setAuthor(String author)
_author = author;
public void checkInBook()
long checkOutTime = getCheckOutTime();
_checkOutTimeSum += checkOutTime;
_checkOutAvgNano = _checkOutTimeSum / _numCheckouts;
public long getCheckOutTime()
Duration d = Duration.between(_checkOutTime, _checkInTime);
return d.getNano();
public boolean isShelflifeOver()
if (_checkOutAvgNano > _shelfLifeNano)
return true;
return false;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.LocalTime;
* Textbook.java
* Description
* @author Natalie Beckwith
* @version 1
* Main class for Textbook.java
public class Textbook extends Book
public String _publishingCompany;
public long _shelfLifeNano;
LocalTime _timeAtConstruction;
* Constructor for class
* @param title
* @param shelfLifeNano
public Textbook(String title, long shelfLifeNano)
_shelfLifeNano = shelfLifeNano;
_timeAtConstruction = LocalTime.now();
* getPublishingCompany
* @param publishingCompany
* @return
public String getPublishingCompany(String publishingCompany)
return publishingCompany;
* setPublishingCompany
* @param publishingCompany
public void setPublishingCompany(String publishingCompany)
_publishingCompany = publishingCompany;
public boolean isShelflifeOver()
LocalTime time = LocalTime.now();
Duration d = Duration.between(_timeAtConstruction, time);
long duration = d.getNano();
if (duration > _shelfLifeNano)
return true;
return false;
// create 2 books, output title, and provide count of books in library
// creates 1 book
Book book = new Book("Barron's Computer Science A");
System.out.printf("%d\t%s\t%d\n", book.getBook(), book.toString(), book.getId());
// creates 1 book
Book book2 = new Book("Angels and Demons");
System.out.printf("%d\t%s\t\t%d\n", book2.getBook(), book2.toString(), book2.getId());
{ // creates 1 novel
Novel novel = new Novel("Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe", 70000000);
novel.checkOutBook(); // checks out a novel
novel.checkInBook(); // checks in a novel
Boolean shelfLife = novel.isShelflifeOver();
long checkOutTime = novel.getCheckOutTime();
System.out.printf("%d\t%s\t%d\t%dns\t", novel.getBook(), novel.toString(), novel.getId(), checkOutTime);
System.out.printf("%s", shelfLife.toString());
System.out.printf("\t\t\t%s\n", novel.getAuthor("C.S. Lewis"));
{ // creates 1 novel
Novel novel = new Novel("The Da Vincii Code", 70);
Boolean shelfLife = novel.isShelflifeOver();
long checkOutTime = novel.getCheckOutTime();
System.out.printf("%d\t%s\t\t%d\t%dns\t", novel.getBook(), novel.toString(), novel.getId(), checkOutTime);
System.out.printf("%s", shelfLife.toString());
System.out.printf("\t\t\t%s\n", novel.getAuthor("Dan Brown"));
{ // creates 1 textbook
Textbook textbook = new Textbook("The Practice of Programming", 30000000);
Boolean shelfLife = textbook.isShelflifeOver();
long checkOutTime = textbook.getCheckOutTime();
System.out.printf("%d\t%s\t%d\t%dns", textbook.getBook(), textbook.toString(), textbook.getId(),
System.out.printf("\t%s", shelfLife.toString());
System.out.printf("\t\t\t\t\t%s\n", textbook.getPublishingCompany("Pan Books (January 1, 2001)"));
{ // creates 1 textbook
Textbook textbook = new Textbook("e=MC^2 a Biography", 30);
Boolean shelfLife = textbook.isShelflifeOver();
long checkOutTime = textbook.getCheckOutTime();
System.out.printf("%d\t%s\t\t%d\t%dns", textbook.getBook(), textbook.toString(), textbook.getId(),
System.out.printf("\t%s", shelfLife.toString());
System.out.printf("\t\t\t\t\t%s\n", textbook.getPublishingCompany("Addison-Wesley Professional Computing"));