
See weekly notes here


Details of a Class

Access Modifier

  • Keywords that can be used to control the visibility of fields, methods, and constructors in a class. Examples include:
    • public - We can access the modifier anywhere, this includes inside and outside the class as well as inside and outside the package.
    • protected - We can access the modifier within the same package and also from outside the package with the help of a child class. If we do not make a child class, then the modifier cannot be accessed outside the package.
    • default - We can only access the modifier within the same package. If we do not specify any access modifier, it will automatically have a default modifier.
    • private - We can access the modifier only within the same class.


See more information here


  • A special method that is used to initialize objects
  • The constructor is called when the an object of a class is created

See more information here

Setters & Getters

  • Get methods return the variable value
  • Set methods sets the value
  • Both are used to protect your data, particularly when creating classes

See more information here

Code Challenges


Linked List, Queues, and Stacks

 * @author Natalie Beckwith
 * @version 1
 * Main class for
public class Person
    protected String _username;
    protected String _name;
    protected String _schoolName;
    protected String _email;
     * Constructor for class
     * @param name
     * @param schoolName
    public Person(String name, String username, String schoolName, String email)
        _name = name;
        _username = username;
        _schoolName = schoolName;
        _email = email;
     * getName 
     * @return _name
    public String getName()
        return _name;
     * getYearOfBirth 
     * @return _yearOfBirth
    public String schoolName()
        return _schoolName;

     * getUsername
     * @return _username
    public String username()
        return _username;

     * getYearOfBirth 
     * @return _yearOfBirth
    public String email()
        return _email;
     * toString
     * @return description
    public String toString()
        String description = 
            "Name: " + _name +
            "\nUsername: " + _username +
            "\nEmail: " + _email +
            "\nSchool: " + _schoolName +
        return description;

 * @author Natalie Beckwith
 * @version 1
 * Main class for
public class Student extends Person
    private String _grade;
     * Constructor for class
    public Student(String name, String username, String schoolName, String email, String grade)
        super(name, username, schoolName, email);
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
        _grade = grade;
    public String toString()
        String description = 
            "Name: " + _name +
            "\nUsername: " + _username +
            "\nEmail: " + _email +
            "\nSchool: " + _schoolName +
            "\nGrade: " + _grade +
        return description;
 * @author Natalie Beckwith
 * @version 1
 * Main class for
public class Teacher extends Person
    private String _className;
     * Constructor for class
    public Teacher(String name, String username, String schoolName, String email, String className)
        super(name, username, schoolName, email);
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
        _className = className;
    public String toString()
        String description = 
            "Name: " + _name +
            "\nUsername: " + _username +
            "\nEmail: " + _email +
            "\nSchool: " + _schoolName +
            "\nClass Name: " + _className +
        return description;
 * @author Natalie Beckwith
 * @version 1
 * Main class for
public class Main
     * main 
     * @param Args
    public static void main(String[] Args)
        Person person = new Person("Person 1", "testUsername123", "Test High School", "");
        System.out.printf("%s\n", person.toString());

        Student studnet = new Student("Natalie", "nbeckwith17", "Del Norte High School", "", "12");
        System.out.printf("%s\n", studnet.toString());
        Teacher teacher = new Teacher("Teacher", "coding101", "Del Norte High School", "", "Computer Science A");
        System.out.printf("%s\n", teacher.toString());

Name: Person 1
Username: testUsername123
School: Test High School

Name: Natalie
Username: nbeckwith17
School: Del Norte High School
Grade: 12

Name: Teacher
Username: coding101
School: Del Norte High School
Class Name: Computer Science A