a. Write the WordMatch method scoreGuess. To determine the score the returned, scoreGuess finds the number of times that guess occurs as a substring of secret and then multiplies that number by the square of the length of guess. Occurrences of guess may overlap within secret.

b. Write the WordMatch method findBetterGuess, which returns the better guess of its two String parameters, guess1 and guess2. If the scoreGuess method returns different values for guess1 and guess2m then the guess with the higher score is returned. If the scoreGuess method returns the same value for guess1 and guess2, then the alphabetically greater guess is returned.

Full Code:

 * Main class for WordMatch.java
public class WordMatch
    private String secret;
    public WordMatch(String secret)
        this.secret = secret;
     * scoreGuess 
     * @param guess
     * @return
    public int scoreGuess(String guess)
      int lastIndex = 0;
      int count = 0;
      while (lastIndex != -1) {
        lastIndex = secret.indexOf(guess, lastIndex);
        if (lastIndex != -1) {
            lastIndex += guess.length();
      return count * guess.length() * guess.length();
    public String findBetterGuess(String guess1, String guess2)
      int guessA = scoreGuess(guess1);
      int guessB = scoreGuess(guess2);

      if(guessA > guessB) return guess1;
      if(guessB > guessA) return guess2;

      if((guess1.compareTo(guess2)) > 0)
        return guess1;
      return guess2;

    public static void main (String[] Args)
WordMatch game = new WordMatch("mississippi");

int play = game.scoreGuess("mississippi");
System.out.printf("Guess: mississippi\nScore: %d\n", play);

WordMatch game2 = new WordMatch("concatenation");

int play2 = game2.scoreGuess("nation");

System.out.printf("\nGuess 1: ten\nScore: %d\n", play2);
System.out.printf("\nGuess 2: nation\nScore: %d\n", play2);
Guess: mississippi
Score: 121

Guess 1: ten
Score: 36

Guess 2: nation
Score: 36