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Week 8:

Blockchain Tech Talk


Bitcoin is a type of cryptocurrency that allows for people to make online transactions. Bitcoin is one of the most popular types of blockchains. A blockchain is a shared database that stores information. In Bitcoin’s case, the blockchain keeps a collection, or block of each transaction ever made on Bitcoin. I learned the uses of hashing, which is a function that figures out how to solve for a transaction. You will always produce the same amount of data, and once you change a single byte of a blockchain, the hash is destroyed. Each device can access Bitcoin just by connecting to the blockchain and running all existing transactions. After the presentation, I did not know that Bitcoin runs on no central network, I always thought something as important as cryptocurrency, to be stored inside a central bank, sort of like how real central banks oversee other banking systems and controls their money supply. I also found it fascinating that Bitcoin eliminates inflation because Bitcoin always has the same amount of cryptocurrency.

Markdown using SQL Database:




Week #4:

Accounts and Login


Week #3:

(Crossover Coding - no TPT this week)

Week #2:



GitHub Actions:

  1. My group is using a MIT License for our project.
  2. The MIT License is user and open-source friendly and very easy to access



GitHub Actions:

  1. On college board it asks you to enter an email, your birthday, and other personal information. On my MacBook, I use a fingerprint scanner that automatically fills in my passwords when I am logging into websites
  2. It depends on what the webpage is. If the website is a school website, then I would be ok with sharing my information for the purpose of school.
  3. A good password has multiple different characters and capitals, it’s some very complax that is almost impossible to guess. Another step is two-factor authentication.
    • Symmetric: type of encryption where only one key is used
    • Asymmetric: uses a pair of related keys
  4. An example of symmetrical symmetrical encryption is through card transactions where PII needs to be protected
  5. I have made a mistake of clicking on something that was clickbait. I have also downloaded something that eventually gave my computer a malware virus.

Week #1:



GitHub Page Actions: 1) No, the owner of the computer did not think this was intentional. 2) Computers are designed to be unbiased 3) It’s likely that the person who designed the face detecting feature on the computer did not think this issue would happen. It’s also likely that the creator only tested the facial recognition on themselves. 4) No, I don’t think this issue was supposed to be harmful. Computers are designed to function unbiased and without errors. However, the human programming the computer can be biased 5) Yes, this issue should be corrected so that everyone can be able to access the facial recognition software, no matter what race. 6) I would test the face recognizing with many different people, particularly people of different races to see if the computer is still able to work.



GitHub Page Actions: 1) One way to crowdsource my idea is by using a survey to get input from my peers on the website I am building 2) During my AmLit class, I can make a google form about what are the best books that the students in that class can take so everyone can give my group input on what the best books are in my AmLit class.

Week #0



1) Easy access to endless information → It can be the wrong information. It’s hard to find a reliable source 2) Provides a source of entertainment → Can become addictive and consume a person’s social life 3) You can meet new people using technology → those people can be dangerous

1) Yes, being addicted to your device is a problem. This is because you are getting an alternate source of dopamine.



1) One example of digital empowerment is to go to a Library or a school where they provide a device and access to the internet 2) An example of digital empowerment is to provide devices and free internet access. 3) Some of Del Norte’s classes require assignments to be submitted online via Canvas. People who don’t have access to the internet are unable to submit assignments on Canvas.