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Study Plan for AP Test:


Weekly Schedule:

Day of the Week: To-Do in Class:
Monday - Review flashcards on vocab
- Try practice problems to prepare for weekly quizzes
Tuesday Quiz day!
Wednesday - Do quiz corrections
- Go over missed problems and re-work them
Thurday Quiz day!
Friday - Do quiz corrections
- Go over missed problems and re-work them, rewatch old CB videos

Quiz #1 Corrections:

(7) The table shows that the letter H is represented by the decimal value 72, which in binary (base 2) is 1001000.
(10) Storing information from the call session does not make it easier for individuals to trick the system.
(23) In public key encryption, a person or organization who wants to receive encrypted information via the Internet posts their public key for anyone to use. By its nature, this key is meant to be public and thus does not compromise personal privacy.
(24) Each packet contains data to be transmitted, along with metadata containing information used for routing the data.
(25) Statement III indicates that it would be better for the author to use a Creative Commons license because the author wants to allow permission to use and modify the e-book.
(32) Moving the statement in line 5 so that it appears between lines 2 and 3
(39) The correct answer is 80 seconds
(46) The Internet was not designed to be completely secure. The protocols used on the Internet do not ensure that all communications are secure.

Quiz # 2 Corrections:

(1) The efficiency of a parallel solution is limited by a sequential portion. Eventually, adding parallel portions will no longer meaningfully increase efficiency.
(4) Some individuals lack access to computing devices because the devices are prohibitively expensive. Offering low-cost devices may help reduce the digital divide for these individuals.
(5) Designing and building a medical robot is likely to require specialized equipment and expertise that is unlikely to be available to individuals distributed around the world.
(6) The sum is too large to be represented with a 4-bit representation.
(8) Open-source software can be continually updated without the original developers once it becomes available to the public.
(12) This type of transaction is between a user and a company and does not rely on the use of information contributed by a large number of users.
(16) The most active users of the application are unlikely to be representative of all users of the application. Using data from only this group may lead to bias in the application.
(22) IPv6 addresses are longer than IPv4 addresses. The length of the address has no direct effect on routing speed.
(24) Redundancy within a system usually requires additional resources, not fewer. A path within a redundant system may be longer than the shortest possible path.
(26) Having a variety of backgrounds represented on a team can enable the team to make use of the different strengths of individual team members.
(27) Unsolvable problems cannot be solved with an algorithm.
(30) The decimal equivalent of this triplet is (75, 0, 65).
(31) The binary RGB triplet for light yellow is (11111111, 11111111, 11100000).
(32) Four bits can represent 2^4, or 16 pieces of information, so it is not necessary to add extra bits.
(36) This situation is consistent with the behavior of an overflow error. If the software used to update the count failed, it would not increase to the point of wrapping around to a negative number.
(40) Citizen science is typically conducted with large groups of volunteers, rather than an individual citizen.
(43) The given code segment causes the robot to end in the lower-right corner of the grid, facing toward the top of the grid. In this code segment, count is 0 in the first iteration of the outer loop, so the robot rotates left, but does not move forward. The robot ends in the upper-right corner of the grid, facing toward the top of the grid.
(45) The desired information cannot be determined with these two spreadsheets because students with grade point averages of 3.5 or less cannot be identified.
(50) The average total points earned per student can also be determined using the result of the total points calculation for each student. The average increase in total points per student as a result of the score replacement policy can also be determined by calculating the differences between each student score before and after the replacement policy was applied. <br

Quiz #3 Corrections:

(2) While some solutions benefit from parallel computation, not all problems can be solved with an algorithm.
(7) The procedure will run without error and return a value.
(14) Since “Diane” is not in nameList, the procedure will display 0, indicating that the procedure worked as intended.
(17) For the list open bracket, 20, 10, 30, 40, close bracket, 1 0 is the first value smaller than the first number in the list, so the procedure returns the correct value 1 0.
(19) This information can be determined by comparing each student’s original average to the course grade after the lowest score was dropped.
(24) This algorithm will turn on the motor in some cases when the gate sensor is not activated.
(31) The distance between two numbers is obtained by taking the absolute value of the difference between the two numbers, not by taking the sum of the absolute values of the two numbers.
(33) The most active users of the application are unlikely to be representative of all users of the application. Using data from only this group may lead to bias in the application.
(34) This algorithm has linear efficiency, so it runs in a reasonable amount of time. Therefore, a heuristic is not appropriate.
(35) Geolocation data can be accessed by the Web site, which can use this information to provide album reviews from nearby users.
(37) This system uses wireless technology to find a lost pet, rather than the contributions of many individuals.
(38) Publishing an e-book with a no-rights-reserved Creative Commons license enables people to freely make use of its content.
(39) The approximation 31.8 million would be a better estimate for year 13.
(42) Using 8 bits will allow for up to 256 sequences because 28=256 2^8=256. However, a unique bit sequence can be assigned using only 7 bits because 27=128 2^7=128.
(47) This code segment incorrectly sets bonus to score when score > 100.

Quiz #5 Corrections: 45/50

(14) A simulation is run on a computer and is not likely to require input from individuals distributed around the world.
(17) Version I calls GetPrediction once for each element of idList, while version II calls GetPrediction twice for each element of idList (plus one more time at the end). Therefore, version II takes more than 1 minute longer than version I.
(18) A public key is used to encrypt messages, while a private key is used to decrypt messages. Public key encryption is still considered secure even if a public key is obtained by an unauthorized individual.
(27) This statement does not provide enough information to conclude that the problem is undecidable. This states that for one instance of the problem, the algorithm runs in an unreasonable amount of time. If it could be shown that an algorithm can be constructed that is always capable of providing a correct yes-or-no answer for all other instances of this problem, whether the algorithms run in a reasonable or unreasonable amount of time, then this problem would be decidable.
(36) The user’s browser makes a request for the file, and the file is broken into packets by the server for transmission. The user’s browser does not request each packet in order.